Libby and Christian tied the knot right before the pandemic hit, they hadn’t planned on her being 7 months pregnant at the wedding, but Elliot made her appearance shortly after they wed. For obviously cute reasons: she makes everything better! This little one is very much so a daddy’s girl- mom is cool and all, but dad is the bomb.
Lifestyle sessions are slow, at your own pace, and soaking in the moments kinds of shoots. We hung out for around an hour and a half and even got some headshots for Libby in between Elliot’s outfit changes: curesty dad. Way down at the bottom we got some sweet photos of mom and dad. Because as beautiful as littles are, mom and dads love is where it all started. And that love overflowed into another little person, and more to come from this sweet family.
This studio lifestyle session was a great way to kick off the year of sessions, and we’re getting photos done with Libby’s photo business this summer as well!